As a kid I always wished I had wings. Then I could fly away to get some air whenever I wanted too. I could get places quickly without having to ask somebody to give me a ride. Most important of all, I could live in trees! I did spend a lot of my childhood summers on top of trees anyways. I ate there, I wrote poems there, I even did some homework there, such a lot of fun it was.
So birds, I'm in tune with. As a tribute to their free soul here are some of my birds:
The four below, Mr. and Mrs. Crane, the Heron, the Sparrow, and the Chicken with Attitude are done in Chinese brush painting on rice paper.

The Swan on the right was masked first and then
poured over with paint on regular watercolor paper.

The Rooster on the left was painted in gouache on yupo. He's standing on a heap of some textured rice paper. That way he can proudly wake people up early in the morning. I called this painting 'Cause I Said So.
My Green Jay and Macaws were painted in oils.
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